Sep 6, 2009

06 September 2009 Sunday Sermon

Essence of Thanksgiving - Rev. Justin Clarance
Psalms 100:1-5
5 words to describe the essence of thanksgiving:
1. Joy (verse 1) - need to be filled with joy and shout about it
2. Gladness (verse 2) - coming to the presence of the LORD with gladness
3. Dependence (verse 3) - GOD is LORD (exo 3:14), GOD is creator and GOD is shepherd. We are under his custody
4. Thankfulness (verse 4) - we have an opportunity to give thanks. Thanksgiving flows out of a thankful heart
5. Gratitude (verse 5) - Three reasons to be grateful
(i) The Lord's goodness
(ii) The Lord's mercy
(iii) His truthfulness
So, our praise and thanksgiving and our worship should be directed to GOD for what he has done in our lives (Rom 11:36). GOD bless.

Aug 23, 2009

23 August 2009 Sunday Sermon

We are called to be a Leader by Bro. Kingston
Gods Timing – Exo 2.5
1. Pharaoh’s daughter came to take bath and saw the baby Moses. The timing was so perfect. God works according to His timing
2. Baby Moses wept – It was the first weapon against the Egypt for a great victory. God Changes tears in to Joy. God remembers our tears and he changes it to Joy.
We have to co-operate with God
1. God prepared a solid foundation and plan for his people but Moses started to act on his own. He trusted his Muscle power and Killed a man. Exo 2;12
2. When we do things on our own, we mess up Gods plan in our life and we waste our time without fulfilling Gods plans.
3. Be still and know that I am God.( Ps 46.10). Gods ways are different from our ways.
Obedience brings Blessing
Finally after wasting a good part of his life Moses learnt to say “HERE I AM”. Exo 3.4. That was the time God started using Moses for His work ( Total surrender and submission).
If we obey God’s Voice we will be blessed and will be a blessing. We will never be a Tail But Head. Deut 28.13

Aug 17, 2009

16 August 2009 Sunday Sermon

A Believer's Mission - by Bro.John Navamany
Luke 24:27, Phil 2: 6-10, James 2:20, John 3:16, I Cor 6:19
All who accept Jesus as GOD has the responsibility to reach out to the others.
GOD bless.

Aug 11, 2009

09 August 2009 Sunday Sermon

Reality Vs Faith - Sis.Leela Chelliah
Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 5:26, Exo 15:26, Isaiah 53:4-5, John 10:10, Eph 6:12, Luke 10:19, I John 5:4-5, Mark 16:17-18, Luke 9:1-2

Realities - physical and supernatural realities. Realities come in different forms and they can be changed because of faith. He who believes that Jesus is son of GOD can overcome the realities of the world.Many chrisitians are believers. A believer believes but not grounded in faith.Spiritual reality is invisible and the real one.
Faith - the unwavering trust in GOD. Faith is the inward confidence, assurance, trust and reliance in GOD.
GOD bless.

Aug 4, 2009

02 Aug 2009 Sunday Sermon

Discipleship, A Commitment for Jesus - Pas Rev. Justin Clarance
Luke 14:25-35, Acts 11:56, Matthew 10: 22-37, Gal 2:20, Gal 5:24, Gal 6:14, Mat 28:19

You have to learn to be a disciple and for that you need a deeper level of commitment to Jesus. You need to introspect about your level of commitment to Jesus by asking the following questions:
1. Am I good contributor? Hae I learnt to sacrifice myself to Jesus?
2. Do I love my family more than Jesus?
3. Am I prepared to live as a dead man - crucified life by living in Christ?
4.Am I living for Jesus?

Discipleship involves all the above factors. Discipleship is the most important thing in Christian life. We are called to live the life of disciples. May the Holy Spirit help us to be good disciples.

Jul 27, 2009

26 July 2009 Sunday Sermon

God's Love - By Pas. Abraham P
John 15:14-18, Romans 12:9
As children of GOD, bring love toy our heart and blessings will automatically that you & I will be blessing to many.
Willingness to serve- love one another. All things in the world vanishes ut the word of GOD remains. Love is service oriented.
Love must be sincere. Holiness and love walks together.
May GOd teach to us to love one another and abide in love inorder to reveal that we love Jesus.

Jul 24, 2009


We express our heartfelt condolences to Mrs Esther Harvey (Mrs Padma) and her family on the demise of her mother in Vizag, India, today (23 July 2009) at 5.40pm (MST). MAY HER SOUL REST IN PEACE.

Click on "comments" to post your condolence messages.

Jul 23, 2009



Jul 19, 2009

19 July 2009 Sunday Sermon

Jesus washing the feet of his disciples - Pas. Anthony Row

John 13: 1-17

If a person knows who he/she is in the presence of GOD, everything falls into place. Jesus knew who he was. He got up to wash the feet of his disciples to clean them. This act demonstrates that to be a master, you have to first be a servant.

Humility brings forth great blessings from GOD, a blessing of inheritance.GOD bless.

Jul 12, 2009

12 July 2009 Sunday Sermon

Rising the Dead- Pas. Mohan Rao
Hezekiel 36, 37
God has the power to bring the dead back to life. God bless

Jul 5, 2009

05 July 2009 Sunday Sermon

THE TRUST FUND - BY Rev. Justin Clarance
Importance of giving tithe. Mal 3: 6 - 12

Question to ponder today is " who is number one in my life - GOD or me?"
1. Robbing GOD - when we deny GOD what is rightfully his, we are robbing GOD. Psalms 24:1
2. Tithe is the claim of GOD - Mal 3:8
3. Robbing the Church - Mal 3:10
4. Robbing ourselves - We rob ourselves of the blessings that GOD pours on those that are faithful to him.

If you faithfully and cheerfully tithe, GOD will supply what you need.

Jun 28, 2009

28 June 2009 Sunday Sermon

A Praying Church is a Powerful Church - by Pas Arnold

Acts 2:1-13, II Kings 2:1-15, Acts 5:32, Acts 16:25 - 26, Rom 1:16, Eph 6:17

There were 3 groups of people on the day of pentecost:
1. People who were in the upper room
2. People who are excited but not in the group in the upper room
3. People who objected

A church which seeks power should have the following:
1. Prayer
2. Obedience
3. Worship
4. Evangelism
5. Revelation
God bless.

Jun 21, 2009

21 June 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Responsibiliy of a father as a Priest, Prophet, Pastor and Preacher" by Pastor Selva raj

I Samuel 2:27-32

" For I will honor those who honor me, but those who despise me will be cursed! "

Eli was the Judge, a spiritual man and a good leader and yet he failed as a father. He honoured his sons more than God and he did not put his sons in discipline.

Responsibilities of a father :

I) Priest of the family: Our ministry begins at home. If you cant build your home you cant build the church.(Pray for your wife and children)

Prayer: A priest is a person wo stands between God and people and take them to God through prayer. Without prayer, we cannot build a family.

Blessing: Priest has to bless people. (Bless your wife and children)

II) Prophet: A prophet is a person who brings God to people.
Fill yourself with the word of God and share the word of God with your children. This is the will of God. (Family prayer)

III) Pastor: All the fathers are pastors at home first. They have to take care of the family and provide for the family.

IV) Preacher: Father must give values to children (not just knowledge)
A father must lead an exemplary life.


Jun 18, 2009

14 June 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Christian Suffering" by Rev.Ruben Kanagalingam

"For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him"

Philippians 1: 29-30 , I Peter 2:19-23, 4:12, 16, 30 , Acts 5:15 , Hebrews 2:9-10 , Romans 8: 17-18, 12:12 , James 5:10-11 , II Corinthians 7:4, 1:6
Mathew 10:38, 5:10

As a christian we have a special call. Jesus Christ suffered bodily and emotionally. Jesus knows what is suffering, so He will put you in his hand and take care of you.
Life of Jesus is very simple and exemplary to all. Suffering is a part of following Christ.
The greater is the suffering the greater is the honour.

How is our response to christian suffering?

1. Happily yield to the will of God
2. We are living in a cruel world. Endure patiently.
3. Bless who those persecute you, mock you, misunderstand you. When you suffer they have to see Christ in you.

God Bless

Jun 7, 2009

07 June 2009 Sunday Sermon

The 3 Myths of Money by Rev. Pas.Justin Clarance
Hebrews 13:5, I Chron 29:11-12, Deut 8:17-18, Ecc 5:10, I Tim 6:8, Phil 4:11-13, Prov 11:28, Prov 23:5, Prov 13:8, Luke 12:15-21
There are 38 parables in new testament- 16 talk about money and possessions.
The gospels have 288 verses, one out of 10 verses deal directly with money.
Jesus spoke more about money than the heaven or hell. Bible on the whole has 500 verses on prayer, less than 500 on faith but more than 2000 verses about money and possessions.
The 3 great myths of money are:
1. We deserve whatever we have
2. Money brings happiness
3. Money brings security
Bible says
1. Wealth and honour comes from the Lord. Even hardwork is a gift of God.
2. God is in control of our lives. True happiness comes from doing the will of God.
3. God is our security, our rock, our fortress. He will never leave or forsake us.
God Bless.

Jun 1, 2009

31 May 2009 Sunday Sermon

David's Life By Bro .Sudhakar Rao

I Samuel 17:8-11, I Chron 29:28, Eph 6:12, Hezek 20:38, Isaiah 6:8, Col 17:34-35, Psalms 39:3, I Samuel 17:45-46, Rom 10:13, I John 1:9, Luke 16:10

Life of David - humble, dedicated life to God, foretold the victory against the mighty Goliath and believed the presence of God in his victory over Goliath.

We too have to share the testimonies of our the blessings we have received from God in our lives and the victories that God has promised and given us against the forces of evil.
The same God who has given victory to David will do the same to you if you believe in his promise. Praise God. Amen.

May 24, 2009

24 May 2009 Sunday Sermon

FEAR OF GOD By Bro. Kingston
Exo 1:15-22, Heb 11:23, I Cor 2:9, Jer 8:11, Psalms 23:17-18, Prov 8:13, Gen 39:9, Psalms 115:1, Exo 2:2
God planned everything ahead to make Moses the leader of Israel. Parents of Moses played a key role eventhough they do not the future of Moses, their faith was in the God. The fear of God played a major role in Moses's life. When we fear God, he will take care of us. We need to surrender everything to him.
Faith in God will never fail us. HE is the one who prepares the way.Allow HIM to prepare the way for you for HE will never fail.
God Bless.

May 10, 2009

10 May 2009 Sunday Sermon

Mothers Day - By Pastor Rev. Ruben Kanagalingam

Story of the mother of John Wesley , the founder of Methodist church - the trials and tribulations she underwent in her life, bringing up 19 children despite being neglected by her husband. The story is an epitome of a mother's love towards her children.

Ref: Luke 14:26; Eph 5:22; Titus 2:4,5; 1 Pet 3:4,5;Prov 31

May 3, 2009

03 May 2009 Sunday Sermon

Bearing Fruit - By Pastor Rev.Justin Clarance
John 15: 1-8, 1John 5:11-12, John 14: 16-18, Romans 6:23, Galatians 2:20, Ecc 5:22-23, Mathew 7:16-18

As long as we are conected to Jesus, we bear fruit. Living in Jesus gives us eternal life. If you remain in Him, you will obey his word and obedience is the fruit. Christians have the ability to reproduce. Bible talks about giving fruit. Every fruit will have seeds. God's words are the seeds. Holy spirit lives in you forever and it produces fruit. The Holy spirit speaks to us when we are giving fruits and He cleanses us so that we can give good fruit. Selfishness does not bear any good fruit.
Are you connected with Jesus? What kind of connection? If so how much fruit are you producing?
God Bless

Apr 26, 2009

26 April 2009 Sunday Sermon

God is with you in troubles - By Bro. Sudhakar Rao
1 Samuel 29: 3-6, Psalms 34:19, 1 Cor 10:13, Heb 5:8, 1 Sam 30:6-12, Psalms 103: 2-4, Psalms 32:8
God rescues the righteous when they are in troubles. He teaches His people which way they should follow in their lives.He will not let us undergo trials and tribulations more than we can bear. He will guide and show us the way out of such trials and temptations. He listens to us when we call Him and is with us during all troubles, giving a helping hand.

God Bless.

Apr 23, 2009

19 April 2009 Sunday Sermon

"God's Righteous Judgement" by Mr.Ponnudurai
దేవుని తీర్పు సత్యమును అనుసరించినది

Romans 2:1-6 , Mathew 7:3 , Luke 18:9, Mathew 7:1-2 , Amos 3: 1-2,
Luke 12 , II Peter: 3, Romans 1: 18-32 Romans 2: 12-16

We humans always judge people. We tend to pass remarks for each small thing. Those who judge some one else will not escape God's judgement.
Most peole think that they are more righteous. "For everyone who himself will be humbled, but he who humbles himself will be exalted.”
Sometimes we accuse people , we dont think how much it hurts. Jesus is looking at our heart and how you measure some one, you will be measured the same way.

Paul says there are three principles that govern God's judgement:

1. According to truth : (Word of God): Disobedience to the వర్డ్ అఫ్ God is a sin

2. According to deeds: Any deed which is wrong in the eyes of God is a sin.

3. According to your own conscience: Before you commit a sin, your conscience says "This is wrong". We just ignore it. God says that there is no excuse for that.

Law is written your heart. Hell and heaven are there, we cannot deny it.
God is righteous. God is giving opportunity to repent. Take the opportunity and come to the feet of Almighty.

గాడ్ బ్లెస్స్

12 April 2009 Easter Sunday Sermon

"He is risen from the dead" by Rev. Ruben Kanagalingam

John 20: 19-23 Luke 24: 39 Phillippians 3 Romans 6:9 Corinthians 15: 44
Luke 24:31 Acts: 3:15, 5:30 I Peter 3:18


Our Lord Jesus Christ has a special body.
All flesh is not the same.The glory of the heavenly body is one sort and the earthly another.
Lord Jesus Christ will transform our humble bodies into the likeness of His glorious body by means of that power by which he is able to subject all things to himself.
What you sow will not come to life unless it dies. It is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body.

Jesus Christ was resurrected by:

1. The power of the Father: The God of our forefathers is very powerful God, He raised up Jesus His son and exalted to his right hand as and Savior, to give forgiveness of sins, when the time has come.

2. His own power: Jesus Christ is the son of God, but on the cross he did not use his power. He voluntarily kept aside his power at that moment. He suffered as a normal man for you and me.

3. The power of the Holy Spirit: Jesus Christ suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust,to bring you to God, by being put to death in the flesh by being made alive in the spirit.

We know that since Christ has been raised from the dead, he is never going to die again; death no longer has mastery over him. If you are under the grace of our Lord and follow his way, sin will have no mastery over you.


Apr 7, 2009

05 April 2009 Sunday Sermon-Palm Sunday

"Palm Sunday -A fresh Look" by Rev. Justin Clarance
John 12: 12-19

We celebrate Palm sunday every year. But what we actually see:

1. There is a strong declaration of love: Jesus has organized this event himself. It was purposeful and done out of compassion and love.

2.It was time: It was Time to do what He came to do.
God was determining the timing, not man. Jesus was the lamb of God taking on the sins of the world.This is a voluntary action.
Knowing what was before Him-betrayal, humiliation, suffering and death He chose to come to Jerusalem (for you in His mind).
A willing sacrifice for all of us. He has such a magnificent love for us.
Jesus loves you and He will not allow needless suffering in your life.

3. There was strong reason for hope:
Zechariah 9:9 God has a plan
Daniel 9-Prophecy of 70 weeks
He is going to return as King of Kings. Are you ready to face Him?

So we see love, purpose and hope. So trust in Him.
Questions for Palm Sunday:
Are you willing to serve Him unil that day when His plan on earth is fulfilled?
Are you willing to trust Him?
Are you willing to follow Him?
Are you willing to entrust yourself to Him?

May be it is time for you to bow before His throne and to give Him honour and Praise He desires and deserves.

God Bless

Mar 31, 2009

29 March 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Walk the Talk-How to become a successful and exemplary church"? by Pastor Selva Raj
Thessalonians 1: 2-10

Three things will make the church successful:
1. Work of faith: Receive the word of God gladly.
Let our life style reflect to what we say.

2. Labour of love: Turn away from idols and serve the true, living God. Speak the word of God to others and follow His instructions.
Greatest idol is our own self (Do not be selfish)

3. Endurance of hope: We have to live (order our life) as if our Lord Jesus Christ is coming in our generation. It is a burning experience.

Waiting for the return of Jesus Christ will keep the Christian going.


22 March 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Worship the Lord in Holiness" by Bro.P.P. Abraham
Leviticus 10: 1-6

Holiness is defined by God.
Human beings have limitations and weaknesses so we cannot define holiness. By dedicating ouselves to God and by the things we do, we assume that we are close to God, but it doesnt make us holy.

1. We should use our position rightly.
Since we are worshipping the holy God, we ought to be careful and follow the instructions of God.
John 2:5 "Whatever He tells, do it"

2. We should not look down upon people.
Acts 10: It is unlawful for a Jew to associate with or visit a Gentile, yet God has shown that we shouldn't call any person defiled or ritually unclean.

Exodus 19: 5-6
"If you will diligently listen to me and keep my covenant, then you will be my special possession out of all the nations, for all the earth is mine"

Let us make a decision to obey God 100% and lead life according to God's standards of holiness.


Mar 16, 2009

15 March 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Nothing is impossible to God" by Bro. Sudhakar Rao
II Kings 7:1-7
Mark 10:27
James 5: 10-11
Hebrews 13: 20-21
Exodus: 29
Psalms 78:18
Isaiah 53:8, 33:3

If you want to follow God:

1.You must have patience
2. You must have trust in the word of God
3. You must follow God's instructions

Nothing is impossible to our Living God.

God bless

Mar 10, 2009

8 March 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Christian Unity and Christ’s Humility - What keeps us together?" by Rev. Justin Clarance

Philippians 1:3-6 , 2:3, 4:14
Isaiah 1:18 Galatians 6:2 Mark 16:15 I John 4:7, 2:9

It is very important to be united together. What keeps us together?
1. Salvation in Jesus Christ keeps us together.
2. Even if our sins are red like blood, once we turn to our Lord and confess our sins, He will forgive us and cleanse us from all sin, as white as snow and will take care of us.
God is keen towards our past, present and future (because we have salvation in Jesus Christ).
Salvation offers:
  • Freedom from the past (sinful life)
  • Purpose for present
  • Hope for future

1. Help one another, Carry one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ:

Put aside your desires (self-centred life), have humility and love in your heart, place the needs of others above us, thats how you become the servant like LORD JESUS, willing to carry some one's burden.

2. Pray for one another, Prayer is the breath of God which keeps us alive:

If we want to survive as a church, we need to pray for one another, which gives abundant joy and spiritual maturity.

3. Love one another:

GOD IS LOVE. If we love one another, God resides in us, and his love is perfected in us.

If you have God's love (should be able to love others like JESUS) in your heart, you are in the light, otherwise you are in the darkness.





Mar 2, 2009

01 March 2009 Sunday Sermon

"MASTER CALLS" Luke: 5: 1-11
- Rev. Ruben Kanagalingam

People were following Jesus to hear the word of God.
At the lake of Gennesaret, Jesus sat down in Simon's boat and taught the crowd from the boat.
Jesus asked Simon to put their nets into the deep water for a catch. Although the fishermen have worked hard all the night and caught nothing, Simon obeyed the word of Jesus (The Master) and lowered the nets. When they had done this, they caught so many fish that their nets started to tear. Though Simon was an expert in fishing and he knows that it is the wrong time to cast the net, he obeyed God's word.

Simon Peter fell down at Jesus' knees and admitted that he is a sinful man.
Then Jesus said to Simon, " Do not be afraid, from now on you will be catching people".
Along with Simon Peter, James and John, Zebedee’s sons, who were Simon’s business partners have left everything and followed Lord Jesus.



Feb 8, 2009

08 Feb Sunday Worship

Message by: Rev.Ruben Kanagalingam
Scripture : John 14:23
Title : OUR HOME
Excerpts :
You will not hesitate to obey God if you love him because "All those who love me will do what I say" (will obey me). For all those who obey Jesus, father in heaven will love them. People have a choice to live a life as a "Jesus-loved Christian".
Jesus would like to come and live in you and me, although he is the king of kings - you are his home. He wants to come and dwell in you.
Jesus is knocking on the door. Though your body is made of clay, he still would like to live in you. He would like to cleanse you. How wonderful is our Lord, he waits for you to talk to him.
People who would like their bodies as the home to Jesus will not continue to sin (they get transformed).
Bible is like a mirror. You can see your reflection in it.
You must be the light, get brighter everyday, since God lives in you, and so the energy comes from inside.

Feb 2, 2009

1 Feb 2009 Sunday Service

New- that was the word reverberating in hall. We have the new Pastor, Rev. Justin Clarance delivering the word of God. He has highlighted the following in his message:
1. Conversion - accepting Jesus Christ as your saviour
2. Consecration - becoming (imitating) like God. Others seeing God in you
3. Holy Spirit controlling your life
4. Sanctification - making yourselves pure (ex: charcoal transformed to a diamond)
5. Total Surrender - learning to surrender entire body, dreams, desires and disappointments to Christ offering oneself as a living sacrifice. When you surrender, God gives life to you
6. Sacrificing - body, service and worship to God and giving him the best of everything
Yes, a total surrender is all we need. PRAISE BE UNTO HIM NOW AND FOREVER MORE.

Jan 27, 2009

పరిశుద్ధాత్ముని శక్తి చేత నడిపింపబడిన వారై


Sunday Service on 25 Jan 2009

Change - that was the word of the day. With calls for change in US and other parts of the world, the Telugu Fellowship also resorted to the change – in the way they worshipped the Lord.

The Holy Spirit filled the Church when the Worship Team sang songs of Praise and Worship. Every heart in the church was stirred when the spiritual leader, Bro.Sudhakar Rao, asked the congregation to invite the Lord into their hearts. Breaking with the tradition of having a formal service, the speaker for the day, Rev. Ruben Kanagalingam led the congregation into opening their hearts to the Lord. The message was very powerful and spirit filled.
This was the first time when the congregation could whole heartedly praise, participate and worship the Lord the entire time. The change was evident. The congregation’s thirst for spirit filled Worship was fulfilled. This was the first of many steps towards attaining salvation. PRAISE BE TO OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. AMEN.
The next service is on 1 Feb 2009 (sunday) at 4.00 p.m. Venue: Tamil Methodist Church, Brickfields (near Palm Court), Kuala Lumpur.