Jun 18, 2009

14 June 2009 Sunday Sermon

"Christian Suffering" by Rev.Ruben Kanagalingam

"For it has been granted to you not only to believe in Christ but also to suffer for him"

Philippians 1: 29-30 , I Peter 2:19-23, 4:12, 16, 30 , Acts 5:15 , Hebrews 2:9-10 , Romans 8: 17-18, 12:12 , James 5:10-11 , II Corinthians 7:4, 1:6
Mathew 10:38, 5:10

As a christian we have a special call. Jesus Christ suffered bodily and emotionally. Jesus knows what is suffering, so He will put you in his hand and take care of you.
Life of Jesus is very simple and exemplary to all. Suffering is a part of following Christ.
The greater is the suffering the greater is the honour.

How is our response to christian suffering?

1. Happily yield to the will of God
2. We are living in a cruel world. Endure patiently.
3. Bless who those persecute you, mock you, misunderstand you. When you suffer they have to see Christ in you.

God Bless

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