Aug 23, 2009

23 August 2009 Sunday Sermon

We are called to be a Leader by Bro. Kingston
Gods Timing – Exo 2.5
1. Pharaoh’s daughter came to take bath and saw the baby Moses. The timing was so perfect. God works according to His timing
2. Baby Moses wept – It was the first weapon against the Egypt for a great victory. God Changes tears in to Joy. God remembers our tears and he changes it to Joy.
We have to co-operate with God
1. God prepared a solid foundation and plan for his people but Moses started to act on his own. He trusted his Muscle power and Killed a man. Exo 2;12
2. When we do things on our own, we mess up Gods plan in our life and we waste our time without fulfilling Gods plans.
3. Be still and know that I am God.( Ps 46.10). Gods ways are different from our ways.
Obedience brings Blessing
Finally after wasting a good part of his life Moses learnt to say “HERE I AM”. Exo 3.4. That was the time God started using Moses for His work ( Total surrender and submission).
If we obey God’s Voice we will be blessed and will be a blessing. We will never be a Tail But Head. Deut 28.13

Aug 17, 2009

16 August 2009 Sunday Sermon

A Believer's Mission - by Bro.John Navamany
Luke 24:27, Phil 2: 6-10, James 2:20, John 3:16, I Cor 6:19
All who accept Jesus as GOD has the responsibility to reach out to the others.
GOD bless.

Aug 11, 2009

09 August 2009 Sunday Sermon

Reality Vs Faith - Sis.Leela Chelliah
Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 5:26, Exo 15:26, Isaiah 53:4-5, John 10:10, Eph 6:12, Luke 10:19, I John 5:4-5, Mark 16:17-18, Luke 9:1-2

Realities - physical and supernatural realities. Realities come in different forms and they can be changed because of faith. He who believes that Jesus is son of GOD can overcome the realities of the world.Many chrisitians are believers. A believer believes but not grounded in faith.Spiritual reality is invisible and the real one.
Faith - the unwavering trust in GOD. Faith is the inward confidence, assurance, trust and reliance in GOD.
GOD bless.

Aug 4, 2009

02 Aug 2009 Sunday Sermon

Discipleship, A Commitment for Jesus - Pas Rev. Justin Clarance
Luke 14:25-35, Acts 11:56, Matthew 10: 22-37, Gal 2:20, Gal 5:24, Gal 6:14, Mat 28:19

You have to learn to be a disciple and for that you need a deeper level of commitment to Jesus. You need to introspect about your level of commitment to Jesus by asking the following questions:
1. Am I good contributor? Hae I learnt to sacrifice myself to Jesus?
2. Do I love my family more than Jesus?
3. Am I prepared to live as a dead man - crucified life by living in Christ?
4.Am I living for Jesus?

Discipleship involves all the above factors. Discipleship is the most important thing in Christian life. We are called to live the life of disciples. May the Holy Spirit help us to be good disciples.